The Vision of Deep Block and Omnis Labs Company

Today, I would like to share our company's vision with you. I would like to share why I am running this business, why I am making Deep Block, and what I think about the future of the world.
CEOs are often asked why they made their product and why they started their business. I also heard this question before, and I have already written about why I started Deep Block.
However, today, I would like to tell you in a little more detail about the future I imagine and what value our company can bring to the world.
1. Technology always evolves towards ease of use.
Just a few decades ago, personal computers did not exist, and people had to understand computers and computer science to work with them. However, now various people such as office workers, accountants, translators, and gamers are using computers, and new jobs have been created.
And while most people don't know how computers work, they can still do a lot of different work with computers.
The future I see about artificial intelligence is the same. Currently, in order to use AI technology, we need to understand the technology and know how to program, but one day people who do not know how AI technology works will be able to use AI technology. And to create this future, I founded a company and developed, a no-code AI platform.
2. The future we once thought was a dream is coming very quickly.
It's already been 30 years since the movie “Back to the Future 2” was released. 30 years ago, many people thought that this movie depicting the future after 30 years was unrealistic. But now, 30 years later, many of the things in this movie have already become a reality.
For example, many of the inventions seen in the movie are now part of our lives, such as unmanned kiosks, LED displays that are much thinner than the cathode ray tube TVs, and sneakers that automatically tighten laces.
Although flying cars have not yet been commercialized, research on UAM and discussion on its introduction are actively progressing in the market.
Some people tell me that our business model or our product is too progressive. However, the speed at which the future is approaching is much faster than we think, and creating that future is the job of people living in the present.
The unrealistic future, which was depicted in the movie 30 years ago, has become a reality, and the pace of science and technology development has continued to accelerate throughout the human history.
In the next few years and decades, the future will change faster than ever before, and the speed of change is accelerating. And I'm committed to making these changes, and I believe they will come sooner rather than later.
3. Technology should be accessible.
Even just 7 years ago, the Korean machine learning community was very closed, and even properly translated materials did not exist in Korea.
Also, some researchers and engineers were reluctant to share their knowledge, and at that time, it was very difficult for non-English speakers to study the technology alone.
Even now, in universities, smart professors clumsily teach about complex topics like backpropagation, linear algebra, complex equations and formulas, thus causing frustration to many university students. Although there are more materials than before to understand modern artificial intelligence, only a few engineers or researchers use them.
However, as explained in a previous article, the supervised learning technique, which is the most commonly used in deep learning, is to train a model by attaching a label to input, and the use of the technology itself is very simple.
I developed our service to remove barriers to using ML technology, and I wanted to create a world where even those unfamiliar with computer science or artificial intelligence can utilize AI technology, and that belief is the strength to continue my journey despite the hardships.
4. Surviving despite the odds.
I realized that of those who criticize others, few are willing to help.
Ever since I started my business, I've heard from time to time that my business will go bankrupt.
Contrary to their expectations, I survived without getting investment for over 4 years.
I have realized that “I” have to sustain my own business because I am a CEO and the founder. And now, I think I know how to survive in the endless desert. I realized learning the world and business is very important for the entrepreneur and my growth.
So, I plan to continue working hard for the people and customers who care about us. I will accept the consequences of my choices no matter what the end of this journey is. I am making efforts for the growth of myself and the company, and I think this is an important thing to make a better future.
5. Why won’t this work?
“That will not work.” I've seen a lot of people around me say this sentence.
If there are only people in the world who live with the thought, “This will not work”, the world cannot change and innovation cannot occur.
Rather than saying, “This won’t work,” I will say, “Why doesn’t this work?”
Even if some people take on a stupid challenge, we have no right to criticize them.
I sometimes think about an easier business model and a more comfortable life, but I don't think that my stupid and exhausting challenge is not so stupid.
Four years ago, when I showed our service to people, few would be interested in it.
But now, we see more and more people interested in our products and who understand our business model.
The challenge may fail, but the challenge should not be laughed at, and the future can be changed by a stupid and reckless person.
I wish good luck to everyone who creates a different tomorrow.