
Interpret massive images showcased by a microscope with lightning speed.

Experience the power of automation in analyzing your slide scanner images.

Our cutting-edge machine platform has the ability to swiftly analyze high-resolution micrographs, delivering results at lightning speed.

Unleash your creativity with our customizable machine vision model that not only detects mitochondria and nuclei but also identifies other structures.

Deep Block effortlessly handles ultra-large-volume microscopic images in the tiled-tiff format, making it the ultimate tool for developing your own artificial intelligence image analysis models without any prior machine learning or computer science expertise.

미토콘드리아 분할-2

Develop your own computer vision models in a no-code interface.

Deep Block is a no-code AI model development tool that allows you to create your own machine learning model without coding.
Using Deep Block, you can utilize machine learning models created by others, share the machine learning models you create with others, and develop machine learning models with others.

Supported data formats

It can be a video, an image, a TEM image, or an optical microscope photo.

Deep Block has the ability to analyze any type of image, whether it's a video, an image, a TEM image, or an optical microscope photo. With Deep Block, you have the freedom to develop your very own AI or harness the power of user-created machine vision models.


The world's fastest imagery analysis solution.

Deep Block's patented deep learning technology can process large file sizes instantly. This makes for a powerful solution to analyze satellite, drone, and aerial imagery.

Deep Block_the tech_max file resolution
10 GP pixels

Max file resolution
or 100,000 x 100,000 pixels images.

Deep Block_the tech_max file size
40 GB

Max file size
vs. 1 GB with our competitors.

Deep Block_the tech_processing speed


Deep Block_the tech_mAP
0.9 AP

Highly accurate prediction
when detecting objects.

Deep Block_the tech_recall
0.9 Recall

Highly reliable detection
with minimum false negatives.


When confidentiality and security are not only buzzwords.

At Deep Block, we understand the needs of large enterprises and public organizations and are willing to work closely with your team to ensure a smooth deployment and usage of the solution.

Deep Block Advanced Security
Advanced Security

Get additional security features to fit your compliance needs like VPN connection, monitoring, fixed IP, and others.

Deep Block Custom Domain
Custom Domain

Get your own enterprise account, allocated users seats, and branded domain.

Deep Block Self-Hosting Support
Self-Hosting Support

Host Deep Block in your own private cloud or on-premise for maximum security.

Deep Block Access Provisioning
Access Provisioning

Define user accesses and privileges to make sure that the right person has access to the right information.

Deep Block Workflow Customizations
Workflow Customization

Request custom interfaces, features, or workflows directly from our engineering team.

Deep Block Premium Support
Premium Support

Our support team will be monitoring your needs on the clock to ensure a smooth Deep Block experience.


Interested? Let's get in touch!

Whether it is to get a demo of our Deep Block Platform, inquire about our learning courses, join our latest Bootcamp or explore custom solutions with us, we will be happy to help!